Tuesday 17 July 2012



Hypocrisy is the state of pretending to have virtues, moral or religious beliefs. principles and more,
that one does not have.
Hypocrisy involves the deception of others and is thus a kind of lie.

In short, hypocrisy are those people who are hypocrites.

In my typography artwork,

I used the letter M

and if you turn the mounting board upside down,

I also use the letter W.

I use the illusion of ambigram into my typography work.
This is to express out hypocrisy because usually hypocrites are people that are two faced.
I use two letters in one to show the meaning of a person with two personalities, a pretender and a two faced as well.

I also decided to use the Old English font to show because this font to me in some way 
represents something dark and classic.
Hypocrisy is something that is not good and it hurts a lot of people physically and mentally as well.
It is something that can bring darkness into someone's lives.


For my typography, I used the colour white and black.

I used WHITE for the outline of the letter because white means something pure and good.
A hypocrite usually shows only his or her good side or even only pretends to be someone good.

I used BLACK on the inside because i did some research on hypocrisy and black colour best represents hypocrites.
Black also means something that is bad or dark.
I used it on the inside of the font to show that a hypocrite's inside is not good.
They have bad intentions inside of them and only pretends on the outside.

For my artwork I also made a 3D effect on the letter instead of printing it out.
This is to show that the good side of a hypocrite usually stands out more 
than the bad side.
Hypocrites pretends to be good in front of you but is bad to you when your not around.

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