Tuesday 9 July 2013

Media Arts 3 - 1st Assignment

MMA2113 Media Art Design 3 | Assignment 01 Brief (50%)
Task: Re-visualized statistical data into metaphoric creative interaction!

This is an individual project. Students are required to conduct research related to statistical data available online.
All findings, information and statistical data samples should be made availableand uploaded into blog (please include your resources + links).Choose only ONE statistical data sample from your findings and state the reason why you choose it in short summary.

Idea development: Develop the understanding of your chosen sampleby doing more in-depth ‘design, art and interactive’ related research for your artwork idea developments.Brainstorm.Students are encouraged to ‘play’ with metaphoric subject, apply semantic and semiotic language in creating their artworks.Idea development sketches. Re-visualized your statistical sample! DO your artist statement to express the whole concept and purpose of your artwork. You should have your project title and brief at this point.

Non-electronic or electronic interactivity: it’s your choice. Students are free to choose any kind of interactivity methods for their assignment but the interactive work must carry statistical data from chosen sample.Sketch and explain your creative interaction ideas. Screen design is not mandatory.Sky is the limit.
Good Luck.

Evaluation Criteria
Process: Research:8% and Idea development process:12%
Final: Overall concept and creativity: 10%, project execution and interactivity: 15%, concept board: 05%

Submission: Week 6
A4 sketches:project brief + idea development sketches (clear folder)
- CDROM: Working files + video documentation of your creative interaction + blog content
- Concept board (name, id, artist statement at the back)
- Blog

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