Monday 17 December 2012



Artist Statement:
For Assignment 02, I created an artwork that is based on a digital media artist that inspires me so much, who is Yuko Shimizu. My topic is "Let Go Of The Past" and so i decided to create an artwork where a girl farted. I chose to use the concept of a person farting because when a person farts, he or she releases out the bad gasses that is inside the body which is nitrogen, hydrogen, carbon dioxide and methane. Farting also symbolizes letting go, this is why I decided to use this concept to relate with letting go of the bad experience that happened in a person's life in the past. The cloudy part is the fart and that is the bad part that happened in someone's life and the girl that is created in a running position means that we have let go of the past and get away from it and then start another brand new life.

For this assignment i used Adobe Illustrator to create my artwork as how Yuko Shimizu creates her artwork as well. Here is the process of my artwork:







For this screen design, I chose the title "LET GO OF THE PAST" as my main topic. My topic is about letting go of the hurtful past that someone went through and letting go of all the bad things that had happened by starting a new chapter in his or her life.


Mind Map:


Final Sketch before Transferring to Adobe Illustrator:

Position of Title, Contemt, Sub-Menu Buttons and Quit Button:

Wednesday 12 December 2012



YUKO SHIMIZU (清水裕子) is a Japanese illustrator based in New York City and instructor at School of Visual Arts.  Newsweek Japan has chosen Yuko as one of “100 Japanese People The World Respects(世界が尊敬する日本人100)” in 2009. Her first self-titled monograph was released world-wide from German publisher Gestalten in 2011. The first childrens book is scheduled to come out from Abrams in 2013.
You may have seen her work on The Gap T-shirts, Pepsi cans,  VISA billboards, Microsoft and Target ads, as well as on the book covers of Penguin, Scholastic, DC Comics, and on the pages of NY Times, Time, Rolling Stone, New Yorker and  in many other publications over last ten years.
But illustration is actually Yuko’s second career.  Although art has always been her passion, she had initially chosen a more practical path of studying advertising and marketing at Waseda University and took a job in corporate PR in Tokyo. It never quite made her happy. At age 22, she was in mid-life crisis.
Yuko ended up working the corporate job for 11 years, so she could figure out what she really wanted in life, as well as to save up just enough to play a biggest gamble of her life: She moved to New York City in 1999, where she briefly spent her childhood, to study art for the first time. Yuko graduated with MFA from SVA’s Illustration as Visual Essay Program in 2003 and  has been illustrating since.  She has also been teaching the next generation of talents at the alma mater.
She works at her studio in midtown Manhattan, and fulfills her passion of world travel by giving lectures and workshops around the world and various cities in the US. She has not gotten into mid-life crisis since she has became an artist.
Please do not mix her up with another Yuko Shimizu. This Yuko did NOT create Hello Kitty.

Yuko Shimizu is one of the digital media artist's that inspires me. She creates most of her artworks using illustrator and because she is a japanese, most of her artwork also has a japanese feel in it. I love her artwork because every artwork she has done expresses different types of expression in it and has always has a strong meaning to it. Her artwork looks unique and different than other artists. 


Power of Negative Thinking

Mother Jones

The Unwritten

The Bright Side

Tea Party

Yuko Shimizu - THE WORD Now Hear This CD - The Word magazine February 2009

THE WORD Now Hear This CD

Yuko Shimizu - In Search Of The Perfect Mushroom (large scale drawing) - In Search Of The Perfect Mushroom

In Search Of The Perfect Mushroom

Media Art Design 2: MMA1123
Assignment 02 (30%)

This is an individual project. Students are required to conduct research about digital multimedia artist.
Based on research and findings, student need to select ONE  media artist that inspired them.
Write a summary about the artist, which conclude artist’s philosophy towards his/her style of work,
including their digital artwork concepts, expression and emotions.

Based on the summaries, students are required to create ONE screen design
that represent their selected artists concepts, approach and directions.
The screen design should carry expressive and provocative meanings to stimulate users mind.
Screen design must include: title, content, three submenu buttons and a quit button.

-          To understand, explore and creating functional graphic user interface with purposed for digital visual communication.
-          To investigate the development of technology in creating digital media art installations.

Evaluation criteria:
-          Research documentation: 10%
-          Creativity, idea development and sketches of ideas: 10%
-          Final Artworks: 10%

Submission Format:
01 ONE printed final artworks mounted on black mounting boards (Your name, id, name of the selected artist and artwork description printed at the back).
02 A4 Sketches (landscape format): Idea development and sketches
-          Digital copy of all artworks
-          Digital Research documentation
-          Your Name, id, artwork description + blog links (MS word)
04 Blog

Assignment Submission: WEEK 09
Nazirah Mat Sin           

Badrolhisham Hashim

Monday 19 November 2012







Wednesday 14 November 2012



Target Audience : Public (no age limit)
Gender : Men and Women
Purpose : To make the public know what animals are close to extinction
Theme :  Save Them!

Research & Fact Finding

Extinction is the end of an organism or of a group of organisms (taxon), normally a species.
The moment of extinction is generally considered to be the death of the last individual of the species, although the capacity to breed and recover may have been lost before this point. Because a species' potential range may be very large, determining this moment is difficult, and is usually done retrospectively.
Through evolution, new species arise through the process of speciation  where new varieties of organisms arise and thrive when they are able to find and exploit an ecological niche and species become extinct when they are no longer able to survive in changing conditions or against superior competition.
The relationship between animals and their ecological niches has been firmly established.
A typical species becomes extinct within 10 million years of its first appearance, although some species, called living fossils, survive virtually unchanged for hundreds of years. Most extinctions have occurred naturally, prior to Homo Sapiens walking on earth, it is estimated that 99.9% of all species have ever existed are now extinct.

A species becomes extinct when the last existing member dies. Extinction therefore becomes a certainty when there are no surviving individuals that are able to reproduce and create a new generation. A species may become functionally extinct when only a handful of individuals survive, which cannot reproduce due to poor health, age , sparse distribution over a large range, a lack of individuals of both sexes or other reasons.

Causes of extinction :
Genetics & Demographic Phenomena
Genetic Pollution
Habitat Degradation
Predation, Competition and Disease
Climate change

10 Species of Animals that are close to Extinction :

1. Jaran Rhinoceros

2. Vaquita

3. Cross River Gorilla

4. Sumatran Tiger

5. Golden-Headed Langur

6. Black-Footed Ferret

7. Borneo Pygmy Elephant

8. Giant Panda

9. Polar bear

10. Mekong Giant Catfish

Ideation Process 

Mind Map :

Sketches :

Sketch 1

Sketch 2

Sketch 3

Chosen Design :
(Sketch 3)

My Design from sketch 2 shows that there are some circles. Those circles represent the images of the animals that are almost extinct. 
The title for my Animal Extinction screen design will be "Almost Gone."

Concept :

My Screen Design for Animal Extinction will be a design that is made to make the public know about what types of animals that are almost extinct or gone from our earth. My screen design will be showing a few types of animals around the world and some of their information.

Screen Design Process:
(Animal Extinction)

For my Screen Design, I decided to only explain about 6 types of animals that are close to extinction :
1. Jaran Rhinoceros
2. Cross River Gorilla
3. Sumatran Tiger
4. Borneo Pygmy Elephant
5. Giant Panda
6. Polar Bear

Process :

I used Adobe Illustrator to create my screen design.

I used the text tool to create a simple title for my screen design. 

The Pen Tool is used to create the vectors of the animals.

6 nearly extinct vectors of animals are created using the Pen Tool.

Final Work :

The title of my conceptual screen design is "Almost Gone". 
I used the vector of the animals that are nearly extinct to represent themselves.
For my Conceptual Screen Design, when you click on the animal, information about the extinction of that animal will appear.

2nd design :



Target Audience : Public , Cancer Surviving Patient (no age limit)
Gender : Men and Women
Purpose : Public awareness and to give hope to others.
Theme :  "I Survived"

Research & Fact Finding

Cancer is the uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells in the body. Cancerous cells are also malignant cells. Cancer grows out of normal cells in the body. Normal cells multiply when the body needs them and dies when the body doesn't need them. Cancer appears to occur when the growth of cells in the body is out of control and cells divide too quickly. It can also occur when cells forget how to die. There are different kinds of cancer. Cancer can develop in almost any organ or tissue, such as the lung, colon, breast, skin and bones.

Cancer Awareness usually comes in the symbol of a ribbon.
 Each ribbon comes with a different colour that represents a different type of cancer.

Precedence Studies

Ideation Process For Conceptual Screen Design
(Cancer Awareness)

Mind Map :

Sketches :

Sketch 1

Sketch 2 :

Sketch 3 :

Chosen Design :
(Sketch 3)

So basically, my design from sketch 3 shows that there are human figures in the middle and a title on the top.
The title for my cancer awareness screen design will be 'I SURVIVED' and there will be some human figures underneath it.


My Screen Design will be a design made to make the public realize that there are people around us who are cancer patients and also survivors. My Screen Design will show some type of cancers that are available, including the symptoms and how to get medication. This is to make people be more aware of cancer in order to save more lives.

Screen Design Process:
(Cancer Awareness)

For my Screen Design, I decided to only explain about 6 types of Cancer and the colour of  their ribbon:

1. Prostate Cancer (Light Blue)
2. Bone Cancer (Yellow)
3. Brain Cancer (Grey)
4. Lung Cancer (White)
5. Testicular Cancer (Purple)
6. Breast Cancer (Pink)

Process :

I used Adobe Illustrator to create screen design:

I used the text tool  to create the title and a pink ribbon to represent cancer awareness.

The Pen Tool is used to create the vector of a human being.

5 other vectors of a human being is created with the pen tool. 
The colour of their t-shirts are all different and is based on the colours of the type of cancer chosen.

Final Work :

The title of my conceptual screen design is "I Survived". The pink ribbon represents the letter "I" and it is also one of the symbol of cancer awareness.
I used the vector of human beings with each one of them using different kinds of clothing with different type of colour based on the cancer type that I have chosen.
For my Conceptual Screen Design, the human beings represents the types of cancer and when you click on them , information about that type of cancer will appear.