Tuesday 26 June 2012

Artist Statement: The Rose

I chose to make The Rose for depression because i did some research online and found out that a 
represents sincere love.

I also made only ONE ROSE to express the feeling of ALONE.


The rose is made to look like its fallen to the ground, to show that the sincere love was betrayed and hurt.
Abit of BLACK is used to show the Depression that is caused by the disappointing relationship.

My DEPRESSION was caused by the
LIES and CHEATING in a previous relationship with someone that I loved so much. 

The FALLEN PETALS from the Rose represents 
the love that is SHATTERED and BROKEN.

The BLACK LIQUID that flows out of the Rose
represents the SADNESS and DEPRESSION caused from the break up.
I did some research online and found out that BLACK best describes the mood of depression. 
It also best represents the TEARS caused from depression.


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